VCI statement

Inception Impact Assessment of the EU Commission on the planned European Health Data Space




Inception Impact Assessment of the EU Commission on the planned European Health Data Space


02 February 2021 | Position


VCI welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the roadmap published by the Commission on the European Health Data Space (EHDS). The current Covid-19 pandemic particularly highlights the need for such an initiative to efficiently develop vaccines and treatments while monitoring the spread of the virus.

The common EU data room for health data for is intended to support research into treatments, drugs, medical devices and results, among other things. - Picture: © Khunatorn -
The common EU data room for health data for is intended to support research into treatments, drugs, medical devices and results, among other things. - Picture: © Khunatorn -

The current Covid-19 pandemic particularly highlights the need for such an initiative to efficiently develop vaccines and treatments while monitoring the spread of the virus.

The full statement of the VCI on the "Impact assessment in the initial phase" can be found here or under "Downloads". PDF | 140 kB | Version as of: 09 February 2021


For questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

 Christian Bünger

Contact person

Dipl.-Volksw. Christian Bünger

Digitalpolitik, Digitalisierung